Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An ode to my fellows in 2009...

This year had it's many ups and downs, and where would I be without my lovely friends? I was thinking back on the year and something that stood out for me was the good-bye party that my roomates and I threw when we got kicked out of our lovely home in St. Paul and I decided to head out west. Since our house was built in the late 1800's and was rumored to have many luxurious parties with the likes of F. Scott Fitzgerald, we decided it fitting to have a Great Gatsby-themed party in June. We actually got a little spotlight put on us from the blog A Cup of Jo: How lovely it was indeeeeed!

Of course, there were many events that were fabulous this year, and many of my beautiful friends that could not attend the Gatsby party, but I got all mushy thinking about it today, so thought I would post it. I just wanted to say Hello, I Love You to my lovely friends, family, and fans for all of your awesome support and kindness through this year.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A new year, thank you...

Here I am, miss twenty-first century, writing a blog!

So, why not start a blog?
I love to write.

I have been thinking a lot today about my new year's resolutions. Usually I don't have those, except to stop smoking, which is becoming tiresome to even say, but this year I really feel that I have some... and they're good. At least, for me....

HB's New Years Resolutions:
1. Get a camera. A good one- not too fancy, but at least 10 megapixels- and start taking some pictures. I moved to the lovely state of Oregon this year and I don't have a camera and that seems wrong.
2. Read more books. I have a lot of them and for some reason this year I have been a slacker in the reading department. I think I read like 4?
3. Make a record. This will happen, but I am not going to rush it. I still have more songs brewing around in my head...
4. Go see more music. Seriously, it feels great, but sometimes I am too much of a hermit.
5. No drinking until I go to Jamaica. that is hopefully at the end of January, and I plan on a major health kick until then (and hopefully afterward too?)
6. Increase my thirty minute workout at the gym to 45-60 minutes. Get my money's worth. I would like to take up swimming.
7. Cook more. I LOVE to cook and bake, and it brings me a lot of joy to feel like I created something very tasty. But I have been a bit of a slacker since moving to Portland, with the exception of homemade soup, some crazy good berry pies I made this summer after berry picking, and general Tsao's tofu (my favorite!!!). I plan on buying Julia Child's cookbook, and also a new Martha Stewart book. Inspiring! Butter!
8. Be better to myself. I tend to be very hard on myself sometimes, and let my anxiety get the best of me. I'm not so bad, I need to remember that sometimes. :)
9. Don't be so afraid of my phone. Call my friends more.
10. Get filthy rich and famous and eat delicious food and travel all over the world. (did i say that out loud?)
11. quit smoking. sigh. cough. sigh.

That's it for now. I'd like to hear yours sometime!
Thanks for reading...
xo, hb